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Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.

Adult social care digital strategy

This strategy sets out, over the next 3 years, our aims and priorities for how we'll use digital technology to deliver our services. It also explains how we'll support our workforce and our service users to deliver and access our services.

Our vision

To support local people to achieve the best possible health and well-being outcomes, living healthy, connected, and independent lives in their own homes and communities, by adopting an approach which provides innovative technological solutions to support people when making decisions about their social care needs.

Why focus on digital technology

Digital is now central to how we work. We have made huge progress with how we use digital technology in the workplace; from using online induction and training for our workforce, utilising video technology, smartphones and applications, undertaking some assessments virtually, through to improved collaboration with our partners via the use of secure digital and data sharing platforms and implementing digital technologies in our care homes.

Many of us have embraced the use of digital technology and have reacted positively to the speed in which this has been made available to us, particularly during the pandemic. That said, there are some older and more vulnerable people that are now more digitally excluded than they were before.

Using digital technologies can enable people to make more informed choices about their health and care, which can help them live independent, happy and fulfilled lives in their own homes and within their local communities.

How we're prioritising inclusion

We will support people so they can be more digitally included so they can access our services using technology. We will provide alternative methods of contacting us and using our services where this isn't possible.

Digital technology will not replace the need for face-to-face care; instead, it will enable us to provide and deliver high quality joined-up social care to Derbyshire people by bringing on improvements in efficiency and effectiveness.

What will success look like?

We have already started on this, working in partnership with our providers, suppliers and health colleagues on many projects that are either completed or underway. For example, we’ve already put in a 'Derbyshire Shared Care Record' which means that colleagues from a number of organisations within the care setting can view and update a person's care information. This reduces information being in multiple places and importantly means we can share information easily.

Our aim is to build on examples like this so that:

Local people:

  • have the ability to connect with social care using technology, digital tools and apps through our online customer portal
  • can access information digitally, to empower you to make decisions about your own care and support needs
  • have opportunities to engage with us in a way and at a time that suits you, including being able to schedule and reschedule appointments
  • have access to alternative channels when digital isn't your preferred choice
  • have access to a wider choice of digital aids, apps and technologies to enable you to feel safe and independent in your own home
  • know that your data is being shared securely with others involved in your health and care so that you experience a reduction in how many times you tell your story
  • are involved in shaping and designing future digital solutions, to help us improve

Our workforce:

  • is digitally confident and provided with access to the right tools and technologies to enable you to undertake your role effectively and efficiently, giving you more time to spend with clients
  • have the right digital skills and confidence to use digital technology in your day-to-day role, including being able to undertake some assessments and referrals digitally
  • have the knowledge and skills to enter good quality data into our case management and associated systems and have the confidence to challenge areas where data quality is poor
  • collaborate digitally with our internal colleagues and partners to enable you to make good quality and speedy decisions on a client's health and social care needs
  • use shared care records and information to provide a holistic view of a person's needs, reducing duplication and the need to contact individual agencies for information

Our partners and our workforce together:

  • have access to shared systems and information to aid decision-making
  • experience a reduction in the amount of duplicated work and processes across the system
  • experience improved collaboration, with the introduction of enhanced digital tools and technology, such as SharePoint and apps
  • use improved, system-wide, data analytics and business intelligence to influence decision-making
  • are involved in sharing learning with others and working on shared initiatives

The systems we have will:

  • provide good value for money
  • hold data safely and securely, and only be accessed when it is appropriate to do so
  • offer online services and online or remote self-assessments where appropriate.
  • give our workforce and partners effective and efficient shared systems, data and business intelligence
  • provide access to the right tools and digital technologies and so we can work effectively from any location