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Services for adults requiring mental health support

Throughout our lives many of us experience things that can impact our mental health and wellbeing. Sometimes, your family, community, or other informal networks can help you through these periods, but there may be times when this support is either not available or a greater level of support is required.

Our mental health teams form part of the Living Well Derbyshire programme that is developing across Derbyshire, working together with health and voluntary sector services to provide joined up mental health and wellbeing support. Living Well Derbyshire ensures that support is joined up, focuses on the whole person's needs and can be easily accessed from the community.

The Derbyshire Recovery and Peer Support Service is delivered in partnership between Rethink (the lead provider), People, Potential, Possibilities (P3) and Derbyshire Federation for Mental Health (DFMH), and Derbyshire Mind. The service helps people across Derbyshire to improve and maintain their mental health and wellbeing. It will assist them to reconnect with their local community by offering access to targeted one-to-one goal-based support, telephone support, community groups and accessing wellbeing hubs. Peer supporters are people with lived experience of mental health difficulties, who use their experiences to support other people, their families and carers who are accessing mental health services.

For more information on the groups and wellbeing hubs in Derbyshire, you can use the Rethink Mental Health Support Map or you can contact the service directly to make a referral, email or telephone: 01773 734989.

Staff from the Derbyshire Recovery and Peer Support Service also provide support to people as part of the developing community mental health offer, Living Well Derbyshire.

The Mental Health Enablement Service is a short-term service we offer. The team support people with mental ill health to develop the skills they need to improve their quality of life and develop confidence in daily living tasks.

The NHS Derby and Derbyshire Emotional Health and Wellbeing website can help you find services in your local area to support you with your mental health if you are feeling stressed, anxious or depressed, or just want to feel happier.

There is also information available on local and national organisations that offer mental health and wellbeing advice.

If you need help in a mental health crisis or emergency, you should contact NHS 111 or telephone: 999.

If you believe that you or someone else requires a social care assessment because of mental health difficulties, you can contact Call Derbyshire telephone: 01629 533190. Or you can talk to a health professional who can make a referral for you.