Falls are one of the largest causes of emergency hospital admission for older adults:
- in Derbyshire, around 70,100 people aged over 65 fall every year
- over 11,000 ambulance call-outs and 6,000 hospital admissions happen as a result
Falls can lead to pain, distress, injury, loss of confidence and even death. But many falls can be prevented.
A new toolkit has been put together to help organisations deliver falls prevention messages to their staff and clients. It's got key messages, advice and information about other useful organisations. You can download the toolkit from our falls information for professionals page.
Strictly no falling - live stronger for longer
Strictly no falling provides physical activity sessions that aim to improve your strength, balance and co-ordination in order to help reduce your risk of falling.
All sessions include seated and standing options.
We're funding the programme which is provided by Age UK Derby and Derbyshire in partnership with Derbyshire Community Health Services and wider partners such as district and borough councils, housing associations, leisure providers and the voluntary sector.
The younger you are when you to start to take advantage of these sessions, the better. But it's never too late to start. Look out for sessions which display the Strictly No Falling logo. They've been approved as suitable to help prevent falls.
To find out more about these sessions, or to get support email administration@ageukdd.org.uk or telephone: 01773 766922.
Community alarms and telecare
Sometimes known as pendant alarms, community alarm systems have a pendant or wristband you can wear that connects to a telephone line through a base unit. If you need help, for instance if you have fallen or you feel unwell, you can press the button on the pendant or wristband to call for assistance.
Alongside basic alarms, a range of telecare equipment may be available. Various telecare sensors, which can be placed throughout the home or worn on the person, can alert a carer or monitoring service if they detect a problem.
If you do have a fall it's important that you are able to alert someone so you can get help quickly. Telecare sensors can help keep you safe, such as:
- a falls pendant - which is a sensor that is worn around the waist, which can detect if you fall
- a bed sensor - that detects when you have got out of bed and automatically switches
If you have fallen and the alarm is activated someone will contact you from the response team through a speaker system, so you won't need to worry about trying to get to the telephone for help.
Our response team is made up of trained people who can use specialist equipment to lift you from the floor safely if needed. The telecare sensors can make a real difference to your life in maintaining independence and also giving support to family and carers.
Contact your local provider:
Find out more about community alarms and telecare.