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Disabled facilities grants

If you think you need an adaptation in your home contact Call Derbyshire telephone: 01629 533190 to arrange an assessment of your needs.

How much a grant can contribute to the cost of your adaptation

The current maximum amount a disabled facilities grant can contribute towards a cost of any adaptation is £30,000.

However, the actual amount a disabled facilities grant can contribute towards an adaptation depends on the following:

  1. The cost of the proposed work necessary to meet your needs. The proposed work has to be 'necessary and appropriate, reasonable and practical'.

  2. Adults - the outcome of a test of resources. This will take into account the income you receive and the interest from any savings you may have. This will then be used to work out the amount, if any, you have to contribute to the cost of the proposed works. For example:

    • a level access shower adaptation may cost £6,500. If your assessed contribution is £3,000, the disabled facilities grant will then pay the remaining £3,500 of the total cost
    • a level access shower adaptation may cost £6,500. If your assessed contribution is nil then the disabled facilities grant will fund the full cost
  3. Children and young people with disabilities under the age of 18 (or 19 and still in receipt of Child Benefit) - there is no means test, so a level access shower costing £6,500 would be fully funded by the disabled facilities grant. However, where the cost of the proposed work exceeds the level of grant allocated (or the £30,000 maximum) the applicant (usually the parent or carer) will usually be expected to fund any shortfall.

In some cases of hardship we may provide a top-up to the disabled facilities grant. 

The requests are assessed case by case and require senior management approval, including in some instances service director approval. The occupational therapist can endorse and initiate this additional funding request where they are satisfied that the proposed scheme of works is necessary and appropriate to meet the child or young person's assessed needs.

If a top-up payment is made a legal charge may be placed against the property, so a proportion of this can be recouped if the property is sold.

Legal charge

Legal charge means that if the property adapted is sold within a certain time frame a proportion of the grant will have to be repaid. District councils can now place a legal charge on all grants between £5,000 and £10,000.

How long the adaptation process takes

Timescales for major adaptations will vary depending on the complexity and scale of the project. This will include any design and planning issues.

We, in partnership with the district councils, have a data base to track the progress of all major adaptations.

We're currently exploring how we might extend access to enable people to track their own adaptations. Our aim is to improve waiting times for individuals.

Council-owned property

Upon receipt of the recommendation your district council will agree a priority for the work.

This will then progress at a rate determined by the district council which will take into account urgency of your situation, the scale and complexity of work to be undertaken.

Privately owned, rented or housing association property

Your district council is required to give a decision on a disabled facilities grant application within 6 months of receiving the formal application. Formal grant applications must be accompanied by all relevant architectural and planning documentation for the proposed scheme of work.

Works funded by the disabled facilities grant have to be put out to competitive tender and we have a list of approved contractors who will undertake the work.

However, in certain circumstances it is possible that people can engage a builder of their choice. The work undertaken would still have to meet the required standards and the grant cannot be approved retrospectively to fund work already commenced.

Your district or borough council may be able to supply you with an information pack, including a step-by-step procedural document.