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Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.

Derbyshire Learning Disability County Partnership Board terms of reference

Terms of reference for the Derbyshire Learning Disability County Partnership Board. How we will work together.

Why we have a County Partnership Board

The government wrote a paper called Valuing People. It said that areas like Derbyshire should set up local partnership boards to look at making things better for people with a learning disability. It also said there should be a county partnership board where reps from each of the local boards get together.

We are going to tell you how the county partnership board and different organisations will work together to make things better for people with learning disabilities across Derbyshire.

What we want to see in the future

We want to include people with a learning disability and make other people aware of their rights, choices, and independence. We want people with a learning disability to have the chance to join in groups and meetings, and use the facilities in their local community.

We want them to help us make decisions, be included and be respected wherever they live.

Valuing People Now says:

  • people with learning disabilities should have more choice and control over their services
  • more people with learning disabilities will have a paid job
  • health will be planning services for people with learning disabilities through partnership boards
  • more people with learning disabilities will be living in their own home
  • there will be more active self advocates in all areas
  • more help for older family carers and people with learning disabilities who are carers
  • people with complex needs and people from minority ethnic communities will have better services
  • there will be more action to stop hate crime

What is the job of the county partnership board?

The county partnership board should make sure that people with a learning disability take part in all areas of the meeting.

They should make links with organisations and groups to get better access to activities and facilities for people with learning disabilities.

They should work with groups and make sure people with a learning disability join in and have the same rights as everyone else.

The county partnership board will share information with all organisations and their disability equality schemes.

They will help to make sure that people with multiple disabilities can use their local community facilities.

Valuing People Now says:

  • partnership boards should have good information about how things are going with the top things listed in Valuing People Now
  • partnership boards should make a public report each year. This should say what has happened about the big things they wanted to see changed

How does the county partnership board work?

The county partnership board should meet every 3 months.

It should be chaired by an independent chair and co-chaired by a rep for people with a learning disability.

It should have easy read notes, action plans, agendas, and reports.

All information should be sent out in time for people to read and get ready for the meeting.

The information following the meeting should be sent out in away that suits people.

Members should share information to and from the county board and to and from the local partnership boards.

Reps from health and social care should come to the meetings. They should bring information and take information back.

County partnership board members should make decisions on behalf of local boards and the organisations they speak up for.

The county partnership board should say what they think should happen at local partnership boards and to other networks such as The Task Force.

Who should be on the board?

The county partnership board should have a mix of people:

  • each of the local partnership boards will have one carer rep and one rep with a learning disability on the county partnership board
  • reps will stay on the board for 2 years or a period decided by local boards
  • representatives from health and social care will include one local authority rep from fieldwork, senior management, direct care, commissioning and strategy
  • elected county councillors will be on the board
  • there will be reps from housing, advocacy, the voluntary sector, and health
  • at times, a ny other local organisation that can make life better for people with learning disabilities may be invited to the county board
  • after the first 6 months we will check that we have the right people on the board. After that we will check again every year

Questions - things to keep asking ourselves

Have we found the right people that we need on our board?

Have they been invited to meetings?

Who have we invited that hasn't come?

Why did they not come?

Did someone talk to them about this?

What are the most important things we need to look at?

How can we make sure that they are on our agenda?

How can we make sure that something happens to make things better?

Do we let everyone know what is happening locally?

How do we do this?

Do we have links with all the people who need to be here? Is there anyone missing?

How have we made it easier for people with learning disabilities to join in activities and use facilities in our community?

Have we made sure we have the right support for our reps for people with learning disabilities? Can they get to the meetings?

Have we made sure we have the right support for our reps for people with learning disabilities? Have they had the chance to get ready for meetings? Can they understand when they are at the meeting?

Do we know what is good in our area?

Do we know what we need to change?

Actions at the county partnership board

Local partnership boards will decide what they would like their reps to talk about at the county partnership board.

The local partnership board reps will be asked to come to the county partnership board ready to talk about what's working and what's not working in their area.

At the end of each county board the chair will make sure everyone knows what jobs have to be done and who is doing what.

If you had a job to do, tell Susannah Bond how you got on at least a month before the next county partnership board meeting.

If you want the board to talk about something at the next meeting, tell Susannah Bond one month before the next meeting. She will put it on the agenda.