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Carer's emergency card

As a carer, it's a good idea to have a plan in place, in case you're suddenly unable to care for someone who depends on you. The carers emergency card can help you do this.

Apply for a carer's emergency card

Anyone who provides unpaid care can apply for a carer's emergency card. It shows that you're a carer and can alert emergency services that someone relies on you.

Applying for a carer's emergency card

You can record your details using the online form.

If you're a registered carer and you need support to complete this, Derbyshire All Age Carers Support Service (DAACSS) can help.

When completing your contingency plan, think about all the care and support that you provide - it can help to think about a typical day. Emergency plans need to include details about the care and support you provide for the person as well as emergency contacts, health needs, preferred routines and any communication difficulties.

This information will be stored on our adult care database, so it can tell us the best course of action in a crisis or emergency.

You should always make sure your nominated emergency contacts know their details will be included in your emergency plan.

If you don't have any emergency contacts, you can still apply for a card and tick the 'no emergency contacts' box. This will still be useful to know, along with the information contained in your plan.

If you complete the form yourself, and create an account, you can amend these details at any point. You will also receive an annual reminder to review your plan via email.

Your information

You should make sure the people who will act as emergency contacts are happy for us to hold their details. It is your responsibility to check this.

The information you provide will only be used to support you and the person you care for access support services.

The information will be kept securely on our systems until you're no longer a carer. Please note it's your responsibility to tell us if you are no longer caring for someone. To do this, email: or telephone: 01629 533190.

Under the Data Protection Act 2018 you have the right to access information we hold about you. For further information on how we may use your personal information see our privacy policy.

If you're recording emergency details on behalf of someone else who is a carer, make sure they understand the scheme and are happy for their details to be recorded on our system.

Sharing information and the NHS

The NHS have guidance for those being cared for, carers and health and care professionals about how to share confidential information about an individual to support their care.

Planning for a crisis or emergency situation

A crisis or emergency is something that couldn't be planned for that stops you from giving your usual level of care. This could be being admitted to hospital or going through a period of ill health.

Carers UK has information on planning for an emergency situation as a carer.

What will happen in a crisis or emergency

In the event of a crisis or emergency, contact Call Derbyshire, telephone: 01629 533190.

They will activate your emergency plan by calling your contacts so they can help the person you care for.

If your emergency contacts can't provide direct help, Call Derbyshire will carry out a telephone assessment to decide what help is needed, and if there is an immediate or imminent risk. If you or the adult you provide care for are currently supported by our adult care service, your care worker or team will carry out further assessment.

Access to replacement care services is subject to an assessment, taking into account the national eligibility criteria and our co-funding policy for contributing to the cost of care services.

Depending on the situation, services may include:

  • information, advice and guidance
  • putting you in touch with other organisations who can help you
  • support in the home from paid carers
  • adjustment of your current support service
  • short term care in a residential or nursing home

An emergency plan does not include free care or rapid access to social care services.