98 results shown for search keyword primary
You may want to apply for your child to change schools other than when they are due to start secondary education. These are known as in-year admissions.
From April 2024, existing support with the cost of childcare will be expanded.
Flu is a common infectious disease caused by influenza (flu) viruses. Flu is very infectious and easily spread to other people.
Check if your child can get free school meals and apply to us.
We have a duty, on behalf of the local authority, to seek compliance with a wide range of business and consumer protection legislation.
Criteria used In deciding on admissions to community and voluntary controlled schools in Derbyshire,
Information and advice if you are struggling to feed yourself or your family.
How to make the application for a secondary school place for your child, including how to apply, deadlines and where to get support and help.
.The 'co-ordinated scheme' is an administrative process to make admission to school easier, more transparent and less stressful for parents.
We are constantly working to improve the way you can find what you are looking for in our Record Office collections.
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