632 results shown for search keyword place
Local planning authorities (LPAs) are required to carry out assessments of the future accommodation needs of Gypsies and Travellers.
We are constantly working to improve the way you can find what you are looking for in our Record Office collections.
Preparing for adulthood is the period in your life when you change from being a child to an adult. We support disabled children through the changes.
If a child aged under 16 years stays with people who are not related to them for 28 days or more, this is known as a private fostering arrangement.
Tips for parents and carers to talk together, play together and have fun together for pre-school children aged 3 to 5 years old.
Explore the Record Office collections with our range of online and travelling exhibitions. We have a regular exhibition programme in our building.
Derbyshire councils, health colleagues, voluntary and community groups and other agencies are involved in refugee resettlement in Derbyshire.
To improve the long-term condition of our road network we carry out patching, surface dressing and more extensive resurfacing.
We want to make sure that social care and public health research is good quality and protects the dignity, safety, rights, and wellbeing of everyone involved.
Derbyshire businesses can dispose of their waste at Ashbourne and Chesterfield Recycling Centres.
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