Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.
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Records from archaeological investigations of Derbyshire sites should be deposited according to our procedures for the deposition of archaeological archives.
Depositing with Derbyshire Record Office is usually free, but we may occasionally ask for some financial contribution from our depositors.
Overgrown hedges and surface vegetation can cause inconvenience to walkers and therefore we will work with landowners to keep this interference to a minimum.
We're committed to keeping children and adults in Derbyshire safe. Find out how and where to report concerns and where to find advice and support.
Health and safety advice for bonfire and firework display organisers including site facilities and public liability insurance.
Learn about our Snow Warden Scheme and how volunteers help us deal with winter weather in their local community and how to sign up to be a snow warden.
Parents have a legal duty to ensure their children receive full-time education suitable to age, ability, aptitude and any special educational needs.
Our Heartwood Community Forest programme offers one of the most competitive hassle-free grant schemes for tree planting.
Children's bodies are smaller and they lose heat quicker than adults so here are some top tips to keep children warm and safe in the cold weather.
In the UK there are currently over 2 million carers juggling both work and care, that's 1 in 7 employees. It's, therefore, likely you employ unpaid carers.
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