1016 results shown for search keywords primary school request for a place
Watch a video of 6 trees from the iconic 'Tree of Trees' gifted to Derbyshire by the Queen's Green Canopy.
Lacemaker Court offers a day service for adults and older people with dementia, physical frailty or complex needs.
Material may be loaned to other organisations or to the depositor of the records, usually for the purposes of an exhibition or for legal reasons.
Netloan computers are available for you to use in Derbyshire libraries and other council premises. This notice explains how we handle your information.
We're looking to offer park concessions, subject to informal tender. Trading concessions may require a street trading licence.
We welcome archives of Derbyshire businesses. Preserving your company's archive means your corporate memory is preserved for the future.
Derbyshire Record Office is the diocesan record office for the Diocese of Derby. Check what should be given to the diocesan record office.
33 Strategic Objectives which describe the key activity we must deliver in the year to achieve our ambition and five key outcomes.
There are many different types of care home in Derbyshire where a number of people live together and are looked after by care staff 24 hours per day.
Guidance on the special educational needs and disability (SEND) system for children and young people aged 0 to 25.
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