Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.
1009 results shown for search keywords primary school request for a place
We can help you become a childminder or set up a childcare care business such as a day nursery, out-of-school club, holiday play scheme or crèche.
Information for both businesses and workers on their rights and responsibilities that affect health and safety at work.
We'll bring you the latest snow information to keep you up-to-date. Check if your road is on a gritting route and find out about road and school closures.
Planning and highways agreements including Section 106 Agreements, Section 278 Agreements and Section 38 Agreements.
There are many different ways of treating waste leftover after recycling and composting has taken place. Treating waste reduces what is landfilled.
Derbyshire's Health and Wellbeing Board sets priorities to improve health and wellbeing in the county and makes sure that services work effectively together.
We're responsible for street lights, lit signs and bollards on roads, footpaths and some dual carriageways that are owned and maintained by us.
Early years' provider agreement service specification appendix 3 - funding compliance audits explained.
We're responsible for setting speed limits on all roads in the county, excluding Derby city and motorways and trunk roads.
Our financial regulations and procedures apply to all members and employees in the work they do for the council.
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