279 results shown for search keyword business
Early years' provider agreement service specification - charging.
We have an obligation to manage our property effectively and spend public money wisely.
Starting Point is Derbyshire's contact and referral service for children's services.
We're responsible for setting speed limits on all roads in the county, excluding Derby city and motorways and trunk roads.
We accept a wide range of materials and items from your home. Find out what we accept in limited quantities and some materials we cannot accept.
Autism is a lifelong condition which affects how a person communicates with and relates to other people, and how they make sense of the world around them.
The government is encouraging councils to make more of their information available in a way which can be easily shared and reused. This is called open data.
Derbyshire adult education fees policy statement.
We are required to keep up-to-date and available for public inspection a list of streets which are highways maintainable at public expense.
We offer a range of different apprenticeships across a wide variety of job roles. They're an ideal way to start, change or progress your career.
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