293 results shown for search keyword request
The Care Act 2014 gives the same rights to carers as those they care for. There's a legal duty to assess a carer's needs and make sure support is available.
Privacy notice for the Place department: De-Carbonise grants - how we use and protect your personal information.
We carry out formal flood investigations in areas that have been subject to flooding, as we feel is necessary.
Privacy policy for Green Entrepreneurs grants. We're committed to protecting your personal data and ensuring it is processed fairly and lawfully.
Our Derbyshire Infrastructure Investment Plan ensures that strategic infrastructure to support growth is prioritised and delivered.
We want to make sure that social care and public health research is good quality and protects the dignity, safety, rights, and wellbeing of everyone involved.
We're looking for people to join our team and help us make a difference to the lives of vulnerable people across Derbyshire.
In the UK there are currently over 2 million carers juggling both work and care, that's 1 in 7 employees. It's, therefore, likely you employ unpaid carers.
Elected members are elected to represent their community on the council. They are, legally speaking, data controllers in their own right.
The Government has introduced neighbourhood planning under the Localism Act 2011 to give communities a greater voice in shaping the future of their area.
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