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Operators of public weighbridges have a responsibility to ensure that they can perform their duties competently and honestly. A list of public weighbridges.
There are some circumstances in which weight restrictions need to be imposed on the movement of heavy goods vehicles (HGVs).
All vehicles in the UK are subject to weight limits. They are determined by the technical specification of the vehicle.
The latest figures from Public Health England show that in the UK more than 6 out of 10 men, and more than 5 out of 10 women are now overweight.
Our trading standards service can take action in respect of heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) illegally using weight-restricted roads and bridges across the county.
All goods, whether pre-packed or not, should be of the correct weight or measure stated on the packaging or indicated on the premises.
Our welfare rights team can help you to find out about the benefits you are entitled to and how to claim them.
We can help you to find out about the latest welfare benefit changes. Read the latest welfare rights service news.
Find out what happens to your glass bottles, paper, cans and plastic packaging after you put it in your recycling bin.
Once your home compost is ready, you can use it to condition the soil, top dress your lawn, pot on plants, or give it to a friend or neighbour.
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