433 results shown for search keyword school
.The 'co-ordinated scheme' is an administrative process to make admission to school easier, more transparent and less stressful for parents.
The information in the parents' guide pages explains how you can apply for a primary school place for your child.
Our music education services, both in and out of school, are provided by the Derby and Derbyshire Music Partnership.
We support schools to improve pupil behaviour and reduce exclusions and support the re-integration of excluded pupils.
In Derbyshire and Derby there's a lot of experience organising exchanges with junior high schools in Toyota City.
Our vision is to encourage parents and children to choose more active, healthier and environmentally friendly ways of travelling to school.
Everything you need to know about schools, education, learning, skills, qualifications and childcare in Derbyshire.
The education improvement service programme offers a range of courses and conferences to enhance learning and teaching in Derbyshire schools and settings.
A child missing from education is a child or young person of compulsory school age who is not in receipt of a suitable education.
This guide is designed to give you all the information you need to apply for a place for your child at secondary school.
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