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An annual childcare sufficiency assessment for the whole of Derbyshire is published each year.
Early years' provider agreement service specification - charging.
Information about landslips in Derbyshire including closures, diversions and timescales for repair.
A description of the admissions criteria for different types of primary, infant and junior schools and list of the schools to which they apply.
You may want to apply for your child to change schools other than when they are due to start secondary education. These are known as in-year admissions.
Our approach to the admission or transfer of children into a year group other than that which is consistent with their chronological age.
Early years' provider agreement service specification - flexibility.
Derby City Council have commissioned Derbyshire County Council to deliver mental health first aid training for them.
Derbyshire families on a low income or on certain benefits can get up to 15 hours of free childcare per week for their 2-year-olds.
Early years' provider agreement service specification - eligibility.
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