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Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.

Linking policy

There are lots of links to other websites from ours, mainly to government or public sector sites, to help you find all the information you need on a subject.

Links to government websites

We can add a link to any government website that is publicly available and you will often find links to websites run by central government to provide more information on a subject.

We also link to websites such as GOV.UK to provide further information on public services.

Links to non-government websites

In some cases we link to websites that are not government-owned or sponsored if these sites provide information on public services or information which is not available on government websites.

We provide these links only where they add value to the information available on our website.

We do not endorse or guarantee the external organisations, services, advice or products included in these website links.

Please see our disclaimer for more information.

Links to other information on our website

Where it is appropriate we will provide you with a link to related information on our website so you can easily find out all you need to know about our services.

Reciprocal links

We link to government information according to our linking policy whether or not that website links back to us.

We invite any website to link to us where appropriate but do not engage in reciprocal linking.

Checking link suitability

As part of our standards and guidelines and aim to create usable, accessible web pages we provide our authors with training and information on how to assess whether a link is suitable for adding to our website.

However this does not mean we endorse or guarantee the content of websites we link to. See our disclaimer for more information.

You may also like to find out about our other website standards.