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Renewable energy study

The science is clear: to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, carbon emissions need to be reduced by 78% by 2035 to reach net-zero by 2050. 

Part of the solution is the harnessing of alternative sources of energy that are clean, accessible, affordable, sustainable, and reliable. Renewable energy (such as solar and wind), is energy that comes from a source that won’t run out. It is natural and self-replenishing, and generally produces little or no emissions when used. As such the clean energy renewables provide will play a crucial role in limiting further climate change.

A spatial energy study for Derbyshire has been produced to help understand current energy usage and future usage scenarios, and the potential opportunities for the delivery of renewable energy technologies with the county. Derbyshire is an area of high quality natural and built heritage and these special qualities have been factored into the study, identifying and mapping constraints to broadly identify the areas which are ‘less constrained’ for each of the various types of renewable energy generation. The maps within the study have been reproduced on the Derbyshire Mapping Portal

The planning system has crucial role to play in delivering effective action on climate change. Local plans need to meaningfully contribute towards reducing emissions and the Derbyshire spatial energy study evidence will help local planning authorities to shape policies to contribute to the transition to a net zero carbon society.

It is important to stress that the Derbyshire spatial energy study is a high-level study seeking to define more or less constrained areas for the various renewable energy technologies available and does not mean automatic approval. Where a planning application for a renewable energy scheme is required in legislation, all matters would be considered through the planning process.