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Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.

Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment

The Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PRFA) is a high level screening exercise to find areas where there is significant flood risk in national terms and to report these flood risk areas to Europe.

About the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment

We are required by the Flood Risk Regulations (2009) to prepare a Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment. This covers the risk of flooding from local sources, namely ordinary watercourses, surface water (overland run-off) and groundwater. It does not directly consider flooding from main rivers, such as the River Derwent.

The PFRA report looks at past flooding, where future flooding might happen across the county and the potential effects that this may have for people, properties, infrastructure and the environment. The PFRA will help us to develop a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy to manage flooding in Derbyshire.


We liaised with partner organisations throughout the development of the PFRA, including: parish, town, borough and district councils, Derby City Council, the Environment Agency, Severn Trent Water, Yorkshire Water and United Utilities.

In January 2011 we wrote to all parish and town councils and elected members, to request information regarding known drainage problems and the locations and details of past flooding. We have used this information to inform the PFRA.

We are working with other risk management councils and agencies (district, borough, city and county councils, water companies, Highways England, Environment Agency) to raise awareness of the new roles and responsibilities for local flood risk management, collect data and engage them in the development of the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy.

Flood risk areas in Derbyshire

Throughout Derbyshire there are locations at risk from flooding. However, there is nowhere in Derbyshire or Derby that is considered to be a Significant Flood Risk Area from a Europe perspective.

This is not to say that localised flooding in Derbyshire and Derby is insignificant. The flooding in June 2007 highlighted how vulnerable our communities are to local flooding and the PFRA highlights that a large number of people could be affected by surface water flooding.

Both us and Derby City Council are actively considering this threat to the health and wellbeing of residents and businesses as we develop our respective Local Flood Risk Management Strategies.

Effects of the PFRA on insurance

The insurance industry will have access to the flood risk information produced as part of the PFRA, as will all members of the public.

The information in the PFRA is not suitable for use in assessing flood risk to individual properties.

More information about flood risk and insurance is provided by the Environment Agency.

If you have any questions or need any information on Derbyshire's Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment telephone: 01629 539286.