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Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.

Safeguarding learners

We believe that it's always unacceptable for learners or staff to experience abuse of any kind.

It's our responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all learners, visitors, staff or volunteers. We safeguard by committing to protect you from exploitation or abuse.

We'll safeguard you by:

  • valuing you, listening to you, and respecting you
  • developing safeguarding guidelines
  • creating a code of behaviour for learners, visitors, staff and volunteers
  • safely recruiting and appointing staff and volunteers
  • sharing information about concerns with agencies who need it
  • appropriately and sensitively involving learners and their carers or parents


Prevent is the government's strategy to discourage and prevent people from becoming involved in violent extremism or supporting terrorism.

The Prevent duty requires us to model British values and to use opportunities to challenge extremism. British values include:

  • democracy
  • the rule of law
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect
  • tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs

The Prevent programmes work with people who are vulnerable to exploitation. It encourages individuals and communities to challenge violent extremist ideologies and behaviours.

Keeping people safe

Keeping safe online - top tips

Protect your device:

  • protect your computer with anti-virus, anti-spyware and firewall software and keep this up to date
  • block spam emails and never open emails from people you don't know
  • make regular backups (copies of important files and photos)
  • don't use the same password for different websites and avoid real words (in any language) - you can use a phrase that's easy to remember and hard to guess, with a mix of upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols, for example, "Ben likes to buy 5 apples and 4 pears every Saturday" becomes: Bltb5a&4peS

Take care of your identity and privacy:

  • don't give away too much personal information on social media - think about what can be seen in your photos, videos, and video calls and remember to check what's in the background
  • think before you send, and be respectful of others - once it's out there, it could be out there forever
  • look out for your friends and others, and do something if you think they are at risk

Avoid online rip-offs:

  • when you're shopping online, look for clear signs that you're buying from a trustworthy company - secure websites should have https:// at the start of the address
  • on an online auction site, learn how it works and learn to pick good sellers (for example by checking their feedback history)
  • use safe ways to pay, such as PayPal or credit/debit cards
  • be wary of sellers trying to contact you to sell away from the main website as you won't be covered by site policies
  • use your common sense to avoid scams - if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!

Health and safety

We comply with Derbyshire County Council's Health and Safety Policy.

We ask that you:

  • make sure you follow all health and safety instructions we give you by
  • make sure you use safe working practices - you should use any safety devices and protective equipment provided
  • make sure you know where the fire exits are and that you know what to do in an emergency
  • report any health and safety issues or concerns to your tutor or other member of centre staff
  • do not leave things lying around to keep working areas and gangways clear
  • clean up spills immediately
  • wash your hands after using materials and before handing food
  • do not lift heavy objects
  • do not stand on chairs or tables to get items out of reach
  • leave the building immediately when the fire alarm sounds - do not collect personal belongings, and make your way to the designated assembly point
  • inform the tutor, or other member of staff, of any accidents or incidents during a session

Get more information about how we can help you to stay safe and learning with us.

If you have any safety concerns, speak with your tutor or centre staff straight away.