Adult education purpose, values and aims
Our purpose is to be the main provider of community-based adult learning opportunities in Derbyshire.
We do this by:
- providing high quality learning opportunities that meet the needs of Derbyshire people and employers
- working in partnership with a range of organisations
- promoting education and raising people's aims for what they can achieve
Our values
Our values guide how we work. They include:
- enabling every person to achieve their full potential, especially supporting people within our communities who are disadvantaged and may have the fewest life chances
- working together with people and communities
- respecting and celebrating difference, knowing that everyone has equal value, and enabling everyone to be included
- acting in an environmentally responsible way, and empowering others to do so, for the benefit of current and future generations
Our aims
We are here to support the people of Derbyshire. We always aim to:
- provide a safe and welcoming environment to all
- provide positive learning experiences to develop the skills and knowledge that help people thrive in life and work
- promote a lifelong learning culture
- offer a range of high quality provision to meet the needs of Derbyshire people and employers
- focus on providing opportunities to Derbyshire people with the most disadvantages and in communities that need it most
- listen to the voices of the community, including learners, parents, employers, and partner organisations. Using what we learn to meet the changing needs of Derbyshire people and employers
- work in partnership with other learning providers, employers and other organisations to provide effective and efficient services
- act in an environmentally responsible way. Inform and empower learners to take responsible actions around key sustainability issues