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Fees policy

This policy was updated in November 2023.

1. Purpose

The purpose of the policy is to:

  • state the principles which underpin the DACES approach to the application of fees
  • define how the service decides which courses, provision, and activity to apply its fees policy
  • identify how the service develops its operation fees structure Council, Education and Skills Finding Agency (ESFA)

2. Policy statement

The underpinning principles of the policy are that:

  • access to lifelong learning is a fundamental democratic right which is reflected in our learner entitlement
  • lifelong learning enables individuals, families, communities, and employers to fulfil their potential and makes a positive socio-economic contribution to the world around them
  • everyone should have an equal opportunity to access learning
  • ensuring that those learners who can afford to pay, or contribute to the costs of their learners, should do so

This will be achieved by:

  • ensuring the curriculum has a balance of free to access, part-subsidised and full-cost provision
  • ensuring there is a clear and unambiguous approach to how this policy is applied considering local social and economic need
  • ensuring there is a clear and unambiguous approach to the criteria for when learners are entitled to a refund and to ensure that this is done in a timely fashion
  • ensure that service has a clear understanding of the programme, course, or provision costs and how this ensures the viability of an activity
  • ensuring that the fees strategy includes the opportunity for fee remission, and that this applied in accordance with the service's priorities for provision asset out its curriculum policy
  • ensuring learners can make payments in a range of ways to not inadvertently disadvantage any particular part of the community
  • working with partner organisations to ensure a coherent curriculum offer and to determine feasible and affordable progression routes for learners

3. Scope

This policy statement covers all board members, staff, sub-contractors, volunteers, employers, partners, and learners of the service. It also includes visitors,contractors, and suppliers.

4. Monitoring, evaluation, and reporting

Derbyshire County Council's Cabinet is responsible for the approval of level of fees, where it is proposed to vary these above and beyond any annual increase in line with Consumer Price Index (CPI) year, applied to the service's courses, provision and activity on a 3-year cycle.

DACES' Governance Board is responsible for the establishment and review of the over-arching fees policy, as well as policies for the other sectors of the service.

The service management team, chaired by the head of service, will review the practical and operational application of the service's fees policy, and will recommend developments and changes accordingly as well as reporting on its impact to the board.

5. Diversity, equity, and inclusion

This policy will be used to promote fairness in all aspects of practice within the service and support the service's commitment to be fully inclusive. The service recognises that some groups of learners may be more vulnerable and is committed to planning and organising its curriculum offer to support successful outcomes for these learners.

All learners regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation, or identity have the right to equal protection from all types of harm, abuse, and the risk of radicalisation. The service is committed to planning and organising its curriculum offer to challenge such behaviours.

6. Confidentiality, information sharing and GDPR

DACES is required to ensure that it can demonstrate full compliance with the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

All staff are required to be familiar with data protection guidance, accessible on DACES Staff Zone in O365 and within the DACES staff handbook, or from their line manager.

Any data breach or suspected data breach must be referred immediately to their line manager.

7. Associated policies, guidance, strategies and procedures

  • Curriculum Policy (2022)
  • Quality Improvement Policy (2022)
  • Safe Learner Policy (2023)
  • Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) Policy (2023)
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy (2022)
  • Pounds Plus Policy (2022)

8. Postholder to contact

The head of service for Derbyshire Adult Community Education Service.

9. Review

The policy will be reviewed by the service management team by November 2024.

Appendix 1

Roles and responsibilities in relation to fees policy.

1. The senior management team lead is responsible for:

  • giving a consistent high profile lead on developing the fees policy, promoting the benefits both internally and externally
  • ensuring that curriculum priorities are reflected each year within the viability of activity planning through the fees strategy
  • ensuring that service roles and responsibilities are complied with

2. Senior management team is responsible for:

  • overseeing the continuing application and development of the policy in line with service targets and service strategic objectives
  • consideration of an annual report to ensure that the fees policy is being followed
  • ensuring the service's strategic plan includes a recognition of the importance of fees and income generation is reflected in the Service Self-Assessment Report (SAR) and Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)
  • receiving and responding to monitoring information on the impact of the fees policy on learner enrolment, retention, achievement, and success
  • ensure that the fees policy reflects the priorities of local, regional, and national funding bodies
  • ensuring appropriate training and development is provided for both staff and learners to respond effectively and efficiently to meet the business development of the service

3. Governance Board is responsible for:

  • scrutinising that fees policy is being followed through termly meetings
  • scrutinising that the service's strategic plan includes a recognition of the impact of the fees policy and is reflected in the service SAR and QIP
  • scrutinising the impact of Fees policy and its associated processes on learner and staff safety

4. Learning and skills managers are responsible for ensuring that:

  • they take the lead in supporting development of the fees strategy each year within the geographical area and area of provision they are responsible for
  • they promote the link with other key policy areas such as curriculum, equality and diversity, and health and safety
  • recruitment and selection processes including the application of fees as part of the curriculum planning role

5. All staff are responsible for ensuring that they:

  • ensure the fees and income generation policy is reflected within their planning and delivery
  • ensure that the marketing of the curriculum includes its ability to generate income through fees where appropriate
  • ensure that the application of this fees policy enables the development and sustainability of a broad curriculum offer