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Adult Community Education Service diversity, equity and inclusion policy

Derbyshire Adult Community Education Service diversity, equity and inclusion policy.


The purpose of this policy is to set out:

  • the service's commitment to promote, advance and embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)
  • what the service aspires to in relation to diversity and equity, especially regarding inclusive practice
  • what the responsibilities of staff, learners and stakeholders are in relation to diversity, equity, and inclusion

Policy statement

Derbyshire Adult Community Education Service (DACES) believes that promoting, advancing, and embracing diversity, equity and inclusion is a key value and aspiration of the service. Where DEI are seen as positive and enriching aspects of everyday life, where individuals get on well together and feel included in the communities in which they live, work or study.

DACES are fully committed to ensure, that everyone, whatever their circumstances or background, to include the 9 protected characteristics will:

  • be fully respected, listened to and valued
  • have equity of opportunity and resources
  • have full access to all activities, wherever possible
  • be treated as a unique individual, fairly and with dignity

This will be achieved through:

  • adopting a 'whole organisation' approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • ensuring awareness and understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion across the service at all staff levels
  • ensuring all staff receive DEI and British Values training appropriate to their role
  • ensuring all teaching, learning and assessment planning and resources support the concept of British Values and the advancement, promotion and celebration of diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • celebrating and acknowledging the talent, diversity and neurodiversity of Derbyshire, its people and communities
  • ensuring effective recording and monitoring of data on participation, retention, and success to narrow the achievement gap of key DEI groups
  • adopting clear lines of communication with staff and learners, keeping them up to date on legislation and procedures, including keeping them within the law and supporting them to act in non-extremist ways
  • taking effective action to eradicate discrimination, intolerance, stereotyping, abuse, harassment, and intimidation in all its forms
  • challenging unacceptable behaviour, discrimination, abuse, stereotyping, harassment or bullying wherever this occurs, including ableism, sexism, homophobia, ageism racism, anti-Semitism, and Islamophobia
  • working with partners and stakeholders to improve opportunities for the people of Derbyshire, especially those who experience disadvantage, disaffection, and discrimination


This policy statement covers all staff, volunteers, employers, partners, stakeholders, and learners of the service. It also includes visitors, contractors, and suppliers.

Monitoring, evaluation and reporting

DACES' Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Group, led by an identified member of the DACES senior management team (SMT), will act as the forum to monitor, evaluate, and promote DEI activity.

The group's activity will be reported to the service SMT, children's services senior management team (via the relevant service director - schools and learning) and DACES governance board.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion

This policy will be used to advance and promote fairness in all aspects of practice within the service and support the service's commitment to be fully inclusive.

All learners regardless of age, disability, and neurodiversity, gender, race, racial heritage and national identity, religious belief, or non-belief, sexual orientation, gender reassignment and gender identity, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and parental responsibilities have the right to equal protection from all types of prejudice and the risk of radicalisation.

Neurodiversity is the diversity of human brains and minds, the infinite variation in neurocognitive functioning within our species (for example, Autism, ADHD, dyslexia, bipolarity).

Associated policies and procedures

  • Derbyshire County Council Equality and Diversity Policy
  • Health and Safety Policy
  • Safer Learner Policy
  • Learner Support Policy
  • Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) Policy
  • Curriculum Policy
  • Marketing and Communications Policy
  • Safeguarding Adults Procedure
  • Safeguarding Children and Young People Procedure
  • Child Protection Procedure
  • The Prevent Duty
  • Code of Behaviour for Learners and Visitors
  • Code of Behaviour for Staff and Volunteers

Postholder to contact

Senior management team member with responsibility for diversity, equity, and inclusion.


The policy will be reviewed again in November 2023.

Roles and responsibilities in relation to diversity, equity, and inclusion

The senior management team lead is responsible for:

  • giving a consistent high-profile lead on, diversity, equity, and inclusion, advancing and promoting DEI internally and externally
  • being aware of statutory duties in relation to DEI legislation as an employer and service provider

The senior management team is responsible for:

  • ensuring that appropriate action is taken against individuals working on behalf of the service who do not act in accordance with this policy
  • ensuring the service's strategic plan includes a commitment to DEI and is reflected fully in the service SAR and QIP
  • ensuring publicity materials, communications and feedback are inclusive and accessible and present appropriate and positive messages regarding minority and marginalised groups
  • ensuring that DEI training is part of the service's workforce development plan
  • ensuring that the service complies with DEI legislation and the codes of practice supporting it
  • ensuring that DEI targets are embedded in service planning
  • receiving and responding to monitoring information on priority DEI target groups to include participation, retention, and success.

The DEI Service Group is responsible for:

  • ensuring publicity materials, communications and feedback present appropriate and positive messages about minority and marginalised groups
  • ensuring that learner induction programmes and tutorials reflect the service's commitment to promote DEI and British values
  • ensuring that DEI is promoted, advanced, and embraced in teaching, learning and assessment practice across the areas of provision
  • advising on the formulation of policies, procedures, and resources as necessary
  • ensuring that appropriate training and development is provided for both staff and learners to promote, advance and embrace, diversity, equity, and inclusive practice
  • monitoring and ensuring that staff are attending and completing the role relevant DEI and British values training
  • overseeing the continuing application and development of the DEI policy in line with legislation and the service strategic objectives
  • preparing, monitoring, and reviewing the DEI aspects of the service SAR and QIP
  • reporting each term to the senior management team on DEI issues

Learning and skills managers are responsible for:

  • ensuring that all aspects of service activities are advancing, promoting, and embracing DEI, including recruitment, planning, TLA practice and quality improvement and assurance
  • ensuring that there is a creative and positive, inclusive ethos that challenges inappropriate language and behaviour, stereotyping, unconscious bias and celebrates and promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • ensuring they are aware of the service's statutory duties in relation to DEI legislation
  • ensuring that DEI monitoring data is collected and analysed, ensuring publicity materials, communications, and feedback, promote positive messages regarding minority and marginalised groups
  • ensuring that targets on participation, retention and achievement of learners are monitored and evaluated within the areas of provision

Programme development managers and workers are responsible for:

  • ensuring schemes of work, lesson content and teaching resources demonstrate, advance, and promote inclusive practice and the understanding of and sensitivity to issues of DEI, including neurodiversity
  • reflecting DEI in classroom visits/learning walks
  • reflecting DEI in DELTA actions plans
  • ensuring publicity materials, communications, feedback and IQA procedures present appropriate and positive messages regarding minority and marginalised groups

All staff are responsible for:

  • ensuring that they are aware of the service's statutory duties in relation to DEI legislation
  • ensuring that they build a supportive culture and ethos where people feel valued and respected and confident to disclose/discuss their individual needs
  • challenging discrimination, stereotyping, unconscious bias and inappropriate language, influence and behaviour by staff, learners, and other users of our services

All learners are responsible for:

  • ensuring that they create and maintain an environment where harassment, influence and discrimination are considered unacceptable
  • ensuring that they support and comply with the aims of the DEI policy and procedures
  • ensuring that they understand the consequence of contravening DEI legislation and council or service policy

Partners, contractors and service providers are responsible for:

  • adhering to any DEI guidelines in agreements or contracts
  • demonstrate their commitment to DEI and have policies and procedures in place to achieve this

Protected characteristics

This is more information on each of the 9 protected characteristics within the Equality Act 2010.


Where this is referred to, it refers to a person belonging to a particular age group (for example, 32-year-olds) or range of ages (for example, 18 to 30-year-olds).


A person has a disability if they have a physical or mental health issue/difference, including neurodiversity, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

Gender reassignment

Identifying and/or transitioning from one gender to another.

Marriage and civil partnership

In England and Wales marriage is no longer restricted to a union between a man and a woman but now includes marriage between same-sex couples. Same-sex couples can also have their relationships legally recognised as 'civil partnerships'. Civil partners must not be treated less favourably than married couples (except where permitted by the Equality Act).

Pregnancy and maternity

Pregnancy is the condition of being pregnant or expecting a baby. Maternity refers to the period after the birth and is linked to parental leave in the employment context. In the non-work context, protection against maternity discrimination is for 26 weeks after giving birth, and this includes treating a woman unfavourably because she is breastfeeding.


Refers to the protected characteristic of race. It refers to a group of people defined by their race, colour, and nationality (including citizenship) ethnic or national origins.

Religion and belief

Religion has the meaning usually given to it, but belief includes religious and philosophical beliefs including lack of belief (for example, Atheism). A belief should affect your life choices or the way you live for it to be included in the definition.


Assigned male, female or non-binary.

Sexual orientation

Whether a person's sexual attraction is towards their own sex, the opposite sex, or to both sexes.