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Still time to make views known in adult social care consultations

Published: 9 July 2024

There’s still time for Derbyshire residents to make their views known in 2 consultations which propose changes to the way adult social care support is delivered.

We are seeking people’s views on options to redesign day opportunities and short breaks for people with learning disabilities and/or autism.

We also want to hear from people on plans that would change the way we deliver residential care and day services for older people.

Like every other council up and down the country, we are facing significant financial challenges that are outside our control.

These include inflationary pressures, staff pay awards agreed nationally but paid locally and continuing increasing demand on our services, particularly in adult care and children’s services.

Demand for adult social care support has also risen dramatically with the cost of providing care and support accounting for 48% of the council’s overall spending.

To support us to make the savings we need to balance our budget, it is necessary to review all spending which means looking at providing many services in different, more efficient ways.

To find out more about each of the proposals and fill in the online questionnaires visit:

Paper copies of the questionnaires are also available on request in standard and easy-read formats and support can be provided to anyone who needs help to complete them.

A series of public drop-in sessions have been held at Derbyshire libraries, with one still to be held at Shirebrook Library on Thursday 25 July 2024 between 10am and midday.

The public can also book on to online virtual meetings to hear more about the proposals and give their views.

For people interested in hearing more about the proposals to change support for people with learning disabilities and or/autism these will be held online on:

  • Monday 22 July 2024 and Thursday 1 August 2024 between 6.30pm and 7.30pm

For people interested in hearing more about the proposals to change support for older people these will be held online on:

  • Wednesday 24 July 2024 and Monday 29 July 2024 between 6.30pm and 7.30pm

Direct consultation has been taking place with people who currently use the services, their families and carers.

Councillor Natalie Hoy, Cabinet Member for Adult Care, said:

“I’d urge anyone who hasn’t already done so to take part in the consultation or book on to a virtual meeting.

“Everyone’s views will be fully taken into account before any decisions are made about the future of these services.

“With demand for adult social care support rising, it means we have to consider how we continue to deliver the services we are required to by law to support those people who need us most.”

The consultation on options to redesign day opportunities and short breaks for adults with learning disabilities and/or autism closes on 21 August 2024. The consultation on options to redesign residential care and day opportunities for older people closes on 7 August 2024.

All responses to the consultations and completed questionnaires should be provided to the council by these dates.

To book on to an online meeting, request a paper copy of the questionnaires in either standard or easy read format or to request help to fill them in, contact the Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation Team, email or tel: 01629 531307 to leave a message and one of the team will call back.