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Make your views known on plans to change learning disability support

Published: 14 August 2024

We’re encouraging people to have their say on proposals to change the way we support people with learning disabilities and/or autism.

We’ve launched a consultation seeking people’s views on options to re-design day opportunities and short breaks provided directly by us.

You have until Wednesday 21 August 2024 to give your views by filling in an online questionnaire.

To request a paper copy of the questionnaire in either standard or easy read format or for help to fill in the survey contact the Stakeholder Engagement and Consultation Team tel: 01629 531307 to leave a message and one of the team will call you back, or email

We’ve held a series of public drop-in sessions and online meetings where people gave their views and direct consultation is taking place with people who currently use services, their families and carers.

Councillor Natalie Hoy, Cabinet Member for Adult Care, said:

“We have been developing services that help them to achieve these ambitions but like all other councils across the country we’re facing increasing financial pressures that are outside our control.

“With demand for adult social care support rising, it means we have to consider how we continue to deliver the services we are required to by law to support those people who need us most.”

The options being consulted on include proposals for long-term contingency planning in case of unforeseen circumstances or if families found they could no longer care for their loved one.