What this consultation is about
In an effort to gain a more representative sample of Derbyshire residents, we are implementing a different approach and methodology for this year’s ‘Your Council, Your Voice Residents Satisfaction Survey 2024.
We have employed an external marketing company, Information by Design (IbyD), to deliver the consultation. They will be using a knock and drop approach, contacting 2,200 Derbyshire households across the county to fill out the survey. This new method aims to provide us with a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the views and experiences of Derbyshire residents.
The survey includes questions about residents' views on us, their local area, and our budget. This information will be instrumental in helping us to better inform our strategic and operational developments.
It is worth noting that Information by Design is an independent market research company, a member of the Market Research Society (MRS), and they strictly adhere to the MRS Code of Conduct.
If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to email haveyoursay@derbyshire.gov.uk.
Thank you for your attention and participation.