What this consultation is about
To judge the level of support for building a new school on the former site of Tibshelf Community School and to confirm the community’s understanding of the implications of taking a decision to provide a new building.
In 2013, Tibshelf Community School moved to its new location leaving the old school site and playing fields in the centre of the village. Two previous consultations have taken place on the disposal of surplus land and the building of a new school building on the old playing fields. The council has continued to pursue the option of a new school building but the plans have been delayed due to difficulties resolving issues relating to planning, disposal, funding and a concern within the community about building further housing on the surplus land. The council would like to seek views on the 2 options that are open.
Option 1
To continue to work towards building a new school to accommodation both the Town End Junior School and the Tibshelf Infant School on the former school playing fields. The funding for this is totally dependent on the sale of the remaining land, the Town End Junior and Tibshelf Infant sites for housing to form a capital receipt towards the school project. There would still be planning issues to overcome as the playing fields are listed as green space in the Bolsover District Council Local Plan. Even with the capital receipt, there will be a need for the council to provide additional capital funding for the project to proceed.
Option 2
To discontinue work on the new school building but invest the council funds already agreed for the project into a refurbishment programme at both the Infant and Junior Schools. The former school site would be disposed of and could go for housing but the playing fields would remain as an open space.
The council would welcome your views and an indication of your preferred option. Please provide your feedback by email: sue.pegg@derbyshire.gov.uk. The consultation will take place over the period 7 September to 5 October 2022.