What this consultation is about
This is the first comprehensive review of the current Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2015 and sets out over the next 5 years 2023 – 2028 how we will undertake their flood risk management responsibilities thus meeting the requirements of the flood and water management act 2010.
Part 1 of Derbyshire’s Local Flood Risk Management Strategy has been designed to provide you with general information about flooding and flood risk, who to call and how you can help yourself become more resilient to the impacts of flooding.
Part 2 of the Derbyshire’s Local Flood Risk Management Strategy focuses on the more technical details for understanding flood risk in Derbyshire, our action plan for how we intend to coordinate the management of the future risks and how we can fund our flood risk management functions and initiatives. There are also a number of guidance notes that support the information within Derbyshire’s Local Flood Risk Management Strategy.
We want to hear your views about the second Iteration of the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy for Derbyshire. This consultation is an opportunity for you to have your say. If you have any queries or need help in taking part in the consultation, please email flood.team@derbyshire.gov.uk and a member of the Flood Team will get back to you as soon as possible.