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Libraries for Derbyshire consultation

Status: Results available

Opens: 9 May 2018 - Closes: 30 July 2018

What this consultation is about

We want to seek the views and comments of Derbyshire residents on the proposals outlined in the draft Public Library Service Strategy ‘Libraries for Derbyshire’. During our 12-week consultation we want your views on the following proposals in the draft strategy:

  • that the libraries in 20 communities in Tier 4 will be transferred to community management
  • that the community-managed libraries are retained as part of our statutory network
  • that we will implement a tiered approach, which will be used to decide on provision and resources for libraries in the future
  • that there will be a reduction in weekly opening hours across the library service
  • that there will be a reduction in the materials fund (books, audio books, eBooks, eMagazines, eAudio, online resources like Newsbank and newspapers)
  • that voluntary and community organisations will be consulted with a view to creating an alternative way of delivering the mobile library service
  • that the future implementation of Smart Libraries be considered
  • that the DVD hire loan service will cease
  • that feedback will be gathered and considered on the potential impact of the proposals

This consultation is now closed. A report was presented to Cabinet, 20 December 2018, agenda item 6.

How to take part

We are carrying out this consultation in the following ways:

  • Focus group
  • Questionnaire - Online
  • Questionnaire - Paper
  • Derbyshire Citizen's Panel

Who is the consultation aimed at?

Which part of Derbyshire is this consultation aimed at?
  • All Derbyshire (excluding Derby City)
Generally, who is this consultation aimed at?
  • All
Specifically, who is this consultation aimed at?

How will we let you know the results?

Feedback about this consultation will be available by the following methods:

  • Our website

Contact details


  • Commissioning, communities and policy
  • County Hall
  • Matlock
  • DE4 3AG