What this consultation is about
Private homeowners across Derbyshire are being invited to take part in a public consultation to show what support they need to make their homes more energy efficient.
Together with the county’s 8 district and borough councils, we have launched a consultation to find out what local homeowners think would help them to make home improvements needed to reduce their energy use.
Steps people can take to make their homes more energy efficient range in cost and scale and can include measures such as double or triple glazing, loft insulation, solar panels and switching from a gas boiler to an air or ground source heat pump.
Helping residents to make their homes more energy efficient is a key priority as part of our Climate Change Strategy as between 20% and 25% of carbon emissions in Derbyshire come from housing.
We're committed to helping Derbyshire become a net zero county by 2050 in line with government targets.
Results available
Over the last 6 months, alongside borough and district councils we have engaged with residents across the county to understand how homeowners could be supported by community and council activities to make their homes more energy efficient and fit for the future.
Following this consultation, a draft action plan for consultation has been produced which takes into consideration all the responses, suggestions and comments we received from the online consultations; online and face to face events and individual meetings.
This is a draft action plan and you will see that multiple partners are involved in the delivery of the actions including Derbyshire’s communities. We are, therefore, seeking views of interested individuals and groups on the plan’s contents and deliverability. Does the plan reflect your suggestions? Can you help deliver the plan where it is indicated? Do you have any other comments on the plan?
We are happy to receive any comments either as an email or as ‘tracked changes’ on the attached document.
We would like all comments to be sent back to climate.change@derbyshire.gov.uk by Friday 5 May 2023.