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Information on Derbyshire County Council elections, and other types of election in your area.

You can register to vote and find out more about elections by visiting the website of the council you're interested in.

To vote at a polling station, you'll need to bring an accepted form of photo ID. If you don't have accepted photo ID, you can apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate.

Derbyshire County Council elections

Derbyshire County Council elections are held once every 4 years for councillors to be elected for each of the divisions in the county.

Other local elections

Elections are also held for:

General election

In a Parliamentary election, also known as a general election, every area of the country votes for one Member of Parliament (MP) to represent them in the House of Commons.

What Parliament does

The UK Parliament represents the people of the United Kingdom and has the power to make decisions and pass laws on a wide range of issues that affect you.

Parliament debates major issues and hears legal cases in the House of Lords amongst other duties.

Members of Parliament

In a general election you can vote for one candidate in your constituency, or seat, and the person with the most votes will become the Member of Parliament (MP) for that area.

The political party with the highest number of MPs in the House of Commons forms the government.