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Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.

Strategic objectives

As part of a new approach to integrated strategic planning, designed to achieve a closer integration of service and financial planning, we have identified a set of 33 strategic objectives which describe the key activity we must deliver in the year to achieve our ambition and 5 key outcomes.

What we will have achieved in the next year.

Outcome 1 - Resilient, thriving and green communities which share responsibility for improving their areas, and supporting each other

In the next year we will have:

  • supported people of all ages and communities in need, including financial help from our Derbyshire Discretionary Fund, and other activities that promote financial inclusion and tackle cost of living pressures
  • collaborated with partner agencies to promote positive mental wellbeing and improve support for local people with a particular focus on suicide prevention and building resilience
  • supported communities through partnership working to protect and enable people of all ages to live healthier and safer lives
  • ensured council leadership in mitigating and adapting to the impacts of climate change, achieving net zero, and enabling nature recovery

Outcome 2 - happy, safe and healthy people, with solid networks of support, who feel in control of their personal circumstances and aspirations

In the next year we will have:

  • supported people to live their best lives independently at home, connected to the community and local resources, stepping in with more help where needed
  • helped people recover and regain stability, independence and control following a personal crisis or illness
  • worked across the system with partners, carers and residents to provide support in a safe, supportive homelike setting
  • worked across Derbyshire with partners and key health services to deliver good health, resilience and wellbeing to enable children and young people to have the best start in life
  • enabled people and partner organisations to tackle key risk factors of health including inactivate lifestyle, smoking, diet and alcohol consumption to improve health outcomes
  • implemented our 'Stronger Families' team to support families in crisis, reduce admissions to care, and reunify families where safe to do so
  • developed and implement a Placement Strategy for children and ensure sufficiency of accommodation and educational provision across Children's Services
  • driven development and reform of our Fostering Service

Outcome 3 - A strong, diverse, and clean economy which makes the most of Derbyshire's rich assets and provides meaningful opportunities for local people to achieve their full potential

In the next year we will have:

  • supported continued and sustainable growth in the Derbyshire economy
  • driven preparation, facilitation and delivery of a regeneration programme for Derbyshire sites and infrastructure proposals to support regeneration and renewal
  • developed and deliver a strategic approach to sustainable travel and integrated transport across the county
  • developed the county’s long-term waste strategy and integrated operating model to deliver a step change in recycling and environmental performance across the county

Outcome 4 - Great places to live, work and visit with high performing schools, diverse cultural opportunities, transport connections that keep things moving and a healthy and sustainable environment for all

In the next year we will have:

  • established and implement effective partnership arrangements with the East Midlands Combined County Authority (EMCCA) to maximise the benefits of a devolution deal for Derbyshire
  • delivered a safe, effective, efficient and innovative Highways Service
  • recognised and valued carers and our Adult Social Care workforce and the contribution they make to sustaining care and support in a challenging market
  • driven improvements to schools and services for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) 

Outcome 5 - High quality public services that work together alongside communities to deliver services that meet people’s needs

In the next year we will have:

  • strengthened effectiveness of strategic partnerships to drive improved outcomes for children
  • developed more equal partnerships between people who use services, carers and professionals to deliver better outcomes
  • ensured there is a good choice of affordable adult social care support available across the county with a focus on people's experiences and improving quality
  • developed our customer experience strategy to deliver improved resident satisfaction and community engagement
  • developed and engaged our workforce to enable us to be an enterprising council
  • developed a new operating model to support the effective delivery of Children’s Services
  • delivered the Children’s Services Financial Strategy to improve outcomes for children and address rising demand
  • developed and implemented an improvement programme across the finance service to ensure effective financial management
  • enhanced the efficiency of our property holdings by strategically, optimising the portfolio, ensuring it consists of affordable assets that support essential services or serve as viable investments
  • improved customer and employee experience at our sites by delivering fit for purpose spaces that are consistent, positive and conducive to productivity, thereby supporting overall efficiency in service delivery
  • driven asset-led transformation in service delivery by envisioning and developing our future headquarters and operating model, aligning them with the broader vision for the public estate
  • implemented a Digital Improvement Programme to better support and develop our systems
  • embedded best value principles in all aspects of Place service delivery, driving innovation and improvement in the achievement of our objectives