- Customer - we will put customers and residents first, designing services based on their experiences, needs, and priorities.
- Partnerships - we will work together with our partners, combining resources and finding ways to achieve better results for local people.
- Transformation and improvement - we will design services with communities, and use a consistent approach to managing changes, focusing on best practice, innovation and doing things as efficiently as possible.
- Statutory - we will prioritise our efforts and resources on meeting our statutory responsibilities.
- Data and insight - we will use data and insight to guide our decisions and better understand our communities.
- One council - we will work together across the council, acting in a joined-up way, removing duplication of effort.
- Service delivery - we will try to get things right the first time by removing obstacles and delivering services that are accessible, inclusive, and responsive – improving outcomes for our customers and residents.
- Best value - we will spend money wisely and provide services in the most effective, efficient, and sustainable way.
- Digital - we will use digital technology to improve access, efficiency, and the overall customer experience, ensuring processes and systems work as well as they can.
- Workforce - we will have a high-performing, inclusive, well-led, motivated, well-trained, and well-rewarded workforce.
Employee values
In order to deliver our vision and outcomes for Derbyshire we have agreed a set of values that will help shape our culture and encourage consistent behaviour across the council:
- Accountable - we hold ourselves and others to account.
- Collaborative - we listen and engage to deliver shared goals.
- Innovative - we are curious, embrace change and continuously improve.
- Empowered - we support, trust and value each other.
Customer commitments
In delivering our services, and as part of our customer experience strategy, we have 3 commitments that we have made to our customers. These commitments are what customers can expect when dealing with the council:
- We will be responsible, open and honest.
- We will work together to achieve positive outcomes.
- We will listen and be open to new ideas.