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Ukrainian grant funding

We've approved a proposal to support voluntary organisations and charitable groups working with Ukrainian refugees, using our established grant funding framework, but with our own criteria.

Groups working with, and supporting, Ukrainian refugees, will be able to apply for funds with eligibility being decided upon satisfying the following conditions:

  • reduce isolation, vulnerability and promote cohesion
  • offer meaningful activities which have a positive impact on mental health and wellbeing
  • provide support around employment and learning

This would include hosting special community events, providing access to translation services and language classes and promoting health and well-being. Examples of the kind of activities that may be supported include:

  • supporting English language classes
  • employment support, for example, job fairs
  • activities for children and young people
  • advice and support on financial matters
  • tackling loneliness and isolation through, for example, befriending schemes and support networks
  • promoting health and well-being
  • organising community events
  • supporting and encouraging volunteering

Applicants must be able to offer actual provision of either services, events or show a requirement for goods. They would need to have a recognised constitution and to be able to show accounts for the last twelve months. Recent examples of bids submitted have included funding social evenings, covering the costs transporting guests to and from interviews, room hire for local jobs fairs and releasing funds for sports kit.

Our aim is that any application must help maintain the integration of Ukrainian guests into the community, assist guests in finding housing and employment and improve opportunities for the children of refugees.

Funding is released at the discretion of the authority; all bids must be presented to cabinet and that successful bids will be revisited 6 months following their award, as a means of auditing and to provide assurance that monies are being used appropriately. We reserve the right to set the amount awarded although bids can be revisited if further funding is required.

For more information, please email