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Recovery from alcohol and drug dependence grant

Grants are now available to organisations in Derbyshire to deliver activities which support people to achieve and sustain recovery from drug or alcohol dependence.

We're offering organisations the opportunity to apply for a single, non-recurring, 2-year grant up to a maximum of £75,000 (maximum of £37,500 per year) including VAT and all other costs.

Recovery is about individuals gaining and maintaining control of their lives, improving their physical and mental wellbeing, having purpose in life, and being able to fulfil their potential.

Aim of the grant

The aim of this grant is to financially support organisations for a maximum of 2 years who can provide meaningful activity and positively increase social connections amongst people in or working towards recovery.

We expect organisations to be able to demonstrate how their project will help Derbyshire residents throughout treatment and into long term recovery. This could be done in a number of ways and we welcome innovative ideas for providing this support.

This support could include activities to:

  • improve physical and mental health and wellbeing
  • provide purposeful activity, including education, skills training, volunteering and employment
  • help develop social networks
  • develop financial capability
  • develop positive thinking and effective decision-making
  • build confidence and self-esteem

Organisations will also have to demonstrate how their proposal offers good value for money.

Who can apply?

We would encourage applications from voluntary and community sector organisations that currently have a presence in Derbyshire and demonstrate an understanding of the opportunities and potential issues that may arise in such a geographically diverse county.

If you'd like to apply for this opportunity, please email and we'll send you an application pack.


The deadline for applications is Thursday 19 October 2023 at midday.

Please read the application form carefully and note the following:

  • the deadline for the application is Thursday 19 October 2023 at midday (applications received after this date will not be read or assessed)
  • every question should be answered
  • bids will be assessed purely on the written information provided
  • do not exceed the word-count for each question
  • a flowchart, model or graph can be submitted with your application if it provides greater clarity
  • organisations must have discussed and agreed the bids with any partners, where necessary, in advance of the application

For any queries on the process of application or the form please email:

Conditions of funding and criteria

This grant is available to financially support organisations for a maximum of up to 2 years. Successful groups will need to explain their plans for sustainability of the project once the funding ends.

All groups must be formally constituted. Formally constituted means you must have a bank account with at least 2 independent signatories, a governing document or list of governing members, a purpose, and a set of rules. Applicants can apply for funding whilst becoming formally constituted.

The grant available to any one organisation, whether sole provider or consortium, is capped at £75,000 (inclusive of all VAT and other costs).

Funding will be used for the specific purpose for which it is granted.

Organisations may make more than one bid for a grant if the projects are significantly different in scope and / or the total does not exceed £75,000 (inclusive of all VAT and other costs).

Funding will be paid quarterly in advance on receipt of invoice from the organisation.

We retain the right to reclaim, at any time, all or part of the awarded money if it is not spent for the purpose it was awarded.

The support will be recognised as a 'one off' award and does not imply that we are committed to any future funding.


Application form and guidelines issued: Thursday 14 September 2023.

Deadline for the receipt of applications: Thursday 19 October 2023 at midday.

Cabinet Member meeting: Monday 22 January 2024.

Announcement of successful bidders: Tuesday 30 January 2024 (Cabinet Member approval and 'call-in' period required).

Start of projects: Monday 1 April 2024.