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Civil partnerships

You can get married or form a civil partnership in England or Wales.

Opposite sex civil partnerships

Derbyshire Registration Service can take or confirm bookings for opposite-sex couples.


To form a civil partnership couples must be:

  • 16 or over
  • not already married or in a civil partnership
  • not closely related

If you're under 18 you'll need your parents or guardians permission to get married or form a civil partnership in England or Wales.

Legal preliminaries

You must give notice of your intention to form a civil partnership in the local authority area where you reside.

If you and your partner live in different local authority areas, you'll have to give notice in each area.


If you wish, you can register your partnership without a ceremony. A ceremony is not a requirement of the legal process of forming a civil partnership. However, we'd be delighted to offer you a ceremony to accompany and enhance the formation.

Foreign nationals

There are special procedures when either partner is a non-European Economic Area (EEA) national who is subject to immigration control.

For advice please contact your local register office or additional information on this process can be obtained from the Immigration and Nationality Directorate in the Home Office, tel: 0870 606 7766.