Our standard payment terms
Payment is processed 30 days from receipt of a valid invoice by the accounts payable Section. If you would like information about being paid earlier than this, we have an early payment partnership scheme (EPP).
No purchase order, no pay policy
All purchase orders will include one of our official order numbers which will begin with either 45 or 85. This order number must be quoted on all invoices. Please do not accept any orders prior to receiving your purchase order number.
This policy does not relate to schools' invoices.
Purchase orders
To be as sustainable as possible, we send purchase orders to our suppliers in a standard format by email.
All purchase orders will contain the following information:
- a purchase order number in the format of 10-digit number starting with 85 or 45
- specification of requirement
- delivery address
- requisitioner contact details
Invoices for goods or services supplied to us
All original invoices must quote a valid purchase order number.
Our preferred method of receipt of invoices is by email (in PDF format), email accounts.payable@derbyshire.gov.uk.
If you have an existing arrangement to send your invoices to one of our specific contacts, please continue to do so unless instructed otherwise.
If you send your invoices to us through email:
- please do not send in hard copies as well
- your invoices must be in PDF format
Failure to meet our requirements could result in your message being returned and payment being delayed Your support will ensure that your invoice is not returned and will help ensure you are paid promptly.
Alternatively, you can post invoices.
What to include in your invoice
Your invoice must include:
- the word 'Invoice' clearly stated
- an invoice date (not dated in the future)
- your company name and address
- your VAT number (if applicable): a 9-digit code starting GB
- a unique invoice number
- your vendor (supplier) number - you can find this on purchase orders we send to you
- a valid purchase order number
- the details of goods or services supplied including quantity, unit price, net amount, VAT and total cost
- delivery address
- details of the person / section placing the order
If you supply capital projects, buildings or facilities and have a 'unique tax reference' number, please clearly show this number on your invoice.
Unless you have an existing arrangement to send your invoices to a specific contact, your invoice must be addressed to:
Derbyshire County Council
Accounts Payable
Room 243
County Hall
Contact us
To enquire about a payment due to you, email: accounts.payable@derbyshire.gov.uk
To update your supplier details (for example contact or bank details), email sap.finance@derbyshire.gov.uk. Please attach your request to your email on a company letter headed document. You will be contacted by a member of our team before any details are amended.