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NHS health checks and body MOTs

Would you be interested in a free NHS health check on site for your employees?

NHS health check

An NHS health check is a national heart health programme that can help identify people who are at higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Who can have an NHS health check

To be eligible for a free NHS health check your employee must:

  • be aged between 40 and 74
  • not have had an NHS health check within the last 5 years
  • not have specific pre-existing medical conditions (for example, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, hypertension, stroke)
  • not currently taking statins for lowering cholesterol

What happens during the check-up

The check will take up to 45 minutes.

During the check, an advisor will ask some lifestyle questions, then measure height, weight, and blood pressure.

They will also carry out a fingertip blood test to assess cholesterol and glucose levels.

The NHS health check can help spot early signs of stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes or dementia, and advice will be offered to help staff lower their risk of developing CVD.

Get more information, including what tests are undertaken at the health check.

Workplace Body MOTs

For employees who do not fit the NHS health check criteria, we can offer Body MOTs - another healthy investment benefiting both your workplace and staff.

This measures height and weight to calculate body mass index (BMI), a blood pressure reading is taken, and staff asked some lifestyle questions.

The Body MOT takes approximately 30 minutes.

Where appropriate, our staff will refer your employees to our Live Life Better Derbyshire support services or partner organisations for support.

Benefits to the workplace

Employers have an important role to play in the health and wellbeing of employees and by doing so a workplace will gain the following:

  • a good reputation - investing in workplace wellbeing shows you value your employees, spreading the word to working partnerships, customers and the wider general public
  • enhanced productivity - research shows that employees who are both physically and mentally healthier are more productive
  • job satisfaction and retention - employees who feel valued are more likely to remain loyal to their workplace meaning that employers have a reduced staff turnover and fewer associated costs
  • reduced illness and absenteeism. Striving for a healthy workforce may mean that employees have fewer days off work resulting in overall better attendance
  • a content workforce - employees spend a lot of their time at work and a happy workplace means staff are more likely to be motivated
  • a reduction in stress - work-related stress is one of the main causes of mental and physical ill health in the UK. A workplace that offers a holistic approach to employee wellbeing will see the benefits with a reduction in work-related stress

If your workplace is interested in more information about onsite NHS health checks or Body MOTs please register your interest in healthy workplaces and select 'Health checks and Body MOTs' and one of our friendly team will be in touch.

You can also use the form to select other areas of support you may require in your workplace.