Disability Employer Engagement news
The latest Disability Employer Engagement news.
At our employable event you can find out about:
- supported employment (SE) and supported internships (SI)
- access to work funding
- free (fully funded) numeracy training for your employees from multiply
- the disability confident employer scheme – show you mean it
- what is the purple pound and how it can benefit your business?
- what are health passports - a great document you can use to support employees
- hidden disabilities - the ones you can't see!
- embracing neurodiversity - like autism
- upcoming changes in laws for carers
We have lots of employment ideas and information we'd love to share – and more events planned - including online. For more information and to make sure you don't miss our events and support for employers in Derbyshire contact the DEED team, email employable@derbyshire.gov.uk.