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Answer one quick question about the future of local councils in Derbyshire - tell us what you think.

Proposed changes to opening hours at Derbyshire Record Office

Status: Closed

Opens: 11 November 2019 - Closes: 22 December 2019

What this consultation is about

While our budget continues to face huge pressures, with greater demands on adult social care and services for vulnerable children, we're working harder than ever to provide maximum value for money and deliver the most efficient and effective public services possible. Our budget for the coming year is around £500 million, with a savings target of £33.4 million.

At its meeting on 11 September 2019 our Cabinet agreed a new Five Year Financial Plan for the council and this included a range of budget savings proposals over the lifetime of the plan. One of the areas identified for savings was a review of opening hours and staffing levels at the Derbyshire Record Office (DRO) to achieve savings of £60,000. Currently, the DRO is open 4 days a week for a total of 30 hours and it opens on one Saturday a month. It is proposed to consult over a reduction to the opening hours at the DRO from 30 to 22.5 hours a week. There is no proposal to change the current pattern of Saturday opening.

How to take part

We are carrying out this consultation in the following ways:

  • Questionnaire - Online

Who is the consultation aimed at?

Which part of Derbyshire is this consultation aimed at?
  • All Derbyshire (excluding Derby City)
Generally, who is this consultation aimed at?
  • All
Specifically, who is this consultation aimed at?

How will we let you know the results?

Feedback about this consultation will be available by the following methods:

  • Our website

Contact details


  • Place
    County Hall
    DE4 3AG