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Derbyshire and Derby Pre-submission Draft Minerals Local Plan Regulation 19 consultation - spring 2023

Status: Closed

Opens: 7 March 2023 - Closes: 2 May 2023

What this consultation is about

The preparation of a new Minerals Local Plan for Derbyshire and Derby has now reached the stage of publication of a ‘Pre-submission Draft Local Minerals Plan which the county council and Derby City Council propose to submit to the Planning Inspectorate for independent examination (‘the plan’).

This consultation enables residents businesses and anyone else to make comments ('representations') about the plan. The comments received under the consultation will be submitted with the plan so that they can be considered under the examination. The examination is likely to involve a public hearing in 2024.

There is a large collection of documents available for viewing as part of this consultation: the Plan itself including its annexes; a statement on previous consultations (under regulation 18) and representations received from them, and all the documents considered by the councils to support the plan. You can view and download these documents which are attached to this page. The 'Statement of Representations Procedure' which is attached to this page, has further information on this consultation, including information on council offices where copies of the plan and supporting documents can be inspected.

If the plan becomes adopted as the Minerals Local Plan it will be the main document used to assess planning proposals for mineral development.

The plan covers the whole county of Derbyshire including Derby City, except that part which lies in the Peak District National Park. It sets out the Minerals Planning Authorities’ identified priorities for minerals development for the period up to 2038. It includes strategic policies to address the priorities, including policies to enable the supply of important minerals and, where necessary, it identifies specific sites for mineral working.

The plan also includes policies aimed at avoiding or minimising the adverse impacts of minerals development, and policies designed to address climate change.

These documents include:

  • background papers - providing additional detail on minerals / topic areas
  • development papers - providing details of how the plan has been developed
  • duty to cooperate draft statement of common ground - providing details of the strategic cross boundary issues identified and progress with the relevant parties in cooperating to address them
  • assessments - providing details of assessments undertaken on the plan including:
    • sustainability appraisals
    • strategic transport assessment
    • habitats regulations assessment
    • strategic flood risk assessment
    • sand and gravel site assessments
    • equalities impact assessment
    • health Impact assessment

Comments under this consultation can be submitted in the following ways:

All comments under this consultation must be received at the email or the postal address given under the contact details section before midnight at the end of 2 May 2023.

To help ensure that your comments can be given due consideration:

  • each comment should specify the policy and/or paragraph(s) in the draft plan or other document it mainly relates to
  • you are encouraged to make each comment using the representation form

They can be filled in and either downloaded as electronic documents to attach if you respond by email or printed out if you are responding on paper. Please use additional sheets if required.

Paper copies of the representation form are also available at the county, district, borough and city council office locations as shown in the ‘Statement of the Representations Procedure, & Statement on Availability of Proposed Submission Documents for Inspection’.

The types of comments that can be considered are those relating to whether the plan has been prepared in accordance with the relevant legal and procedural requirements, and/or whether the plan is sound, because these are the issues the independent examination will be concerned with. A guidance note about these requirements and testing the plan for soundness is also attached to the representation form.

Watch our video about the future of mining and quarrying in Derby and Derbyshire

How to take part

We are carrying out this consultation in the following ways:

  • By email
  • By post

Who is the consultation aimed at?

Which part of Derbyshire is this consultation aimed at?
  • All Derbyshire (including Derby City)
Generally, who is this consultation aimed at?
  • All
Specifically, who is this consultation aimed at?

How will we let you know the results?

Feedback about this consultation will be available by the following methods:

  • Our website

Contact details


  • Minerals Local Plan Team
  • Derbyshire County Council
  • County Hall
  • Matlock 
  • DE4 3AG