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NHS health checks and body MOT plus

Would you like free NHS Health Checks in your workplace?

Heart disease and strokes are some of the UK's biggest killers and cost £14 billion per year in lost productivity.

The NHS Health Check Programme helps people spot early signs of serious health conditions such as heart disease, strokes and other health conditions and can offer them personalised advice on how to keep well.

Why have an NHS health check

With workplace health initiatives, like free NHS health checks, you can help your staff keep healthy, as well as:

  • increase productivity
  • increase job satisfaction
  • reduce sickness absence
  • reduce staff turnover

If your workforce is interested in health checks, you can register your interest in healthy workplaces and select 'Health checks and Body MOTs', and one of our friendly team will be in touch.

Healthy Workplaces Derbyshire can bring the NHS health checks programme to your staff for free, either on-site or at a nearby venue.

If your workforce is interested in health checks, you can fill in an expression of interest. Select 'Health checks and Body MOTs', and one of our friendly team will be in touch.

Register your interest in healthy workplaces

With workplace health initiatives, like free NHS health checks, you can help your staff keep healthy, as well as:

  • increase productivity
  • increase job satisfaction
  • reduce sickness absence
  • reduce staff turnover

Healthy Workplaces Derbyshire can bring the NHS health checks programme to your staff for free, either on-site or at a nearby venue.

What happens in a health check

A health check is a private appointment that lasts up to 45 minutes and is carried out by a trained health advisor.

During the check the advisor will measure your staff member's cholesterol and glucose levels from a fingertip blood test. They will take their blood pressure, height, and weight as well as ask some lifestyle questions.

The advisor will talk to your staff member about their current health and discuss any early signs of heart disease and other health conditions like stroke, kidney disease, type 2 diabetes or dementia.

They will talk with your staff member about their healthy living goals, how to keep well and also link them into free local health and wellbeing services if needed.

Who can have a free health check

All staff in your workplace can have exactly the same health check - they'll just be called slightly different things.

NHS health check

For staff members who meet the following criteria for the national NHS health check programme:

  • aged 40 to 74
  • registered with a Derbyshire GP and
  • without certain medical conditions or medications

We will record their check as an 'NHS Health Check'. With the person's permission, we'll share the results with their GP.

Body MOT plus

For staff members who don't meet the NHS criteria for an NHS health check, we'll offer them the exact same health check, but this will be recorded as a 'Body MOT plus'. We wouldn't routinely share results with their GP.

Who is running the programme?

Our advisors are part of our Healthy Workplaces Derbyshire team.

They're trained in running NHS health checks and body MOTs and are commissioned by the NHS to offer these for free for people across Derbyshire.

Get health checks in your workplace

We can run the health check programme at most workplaces.

We'll need some basic facilities like a confidential space with internet access and your help to enable interested workers to take part during their work time.

We can also run the programme at a nearby venue if it is easier for you.

The health checks will usually take place over one or two days, depending on the size of your workforce.

If your workforce is interested in health checks, please register your interest in healthy workplaces and select 'Health checks and Body MOTs', and one of our friendly team will be in touch.

You can also use the form to select other areas of support you may require in your workplace.

Health checks can help people spot early signs of health problems and get the help they need to keep well. Investing in employee wellbeing pays off for businesses as it can lead to increased resilience, better employee engagement, reduced sickness absence and higher performance and productivity (CIPD 2024).