For updates about roads closed due to flooding and surface water, please check our weather related road closures.
Please remember that additional local roads may be closed across the county due to localised surface water flooding.
If you're heading out, only travel if your journey is essential, drive to the conditions and please don't be tempted to drive through floodwater. As little as 30cm of water can float a car. Driving through floodwater can also cause flooding to properties next to the road.
Sign up to get flood warnings or see flood warnings for your area.
Search for flood risk in your area and find out the possible causes of flooding and how to manage flood risk.
Find out how to report flooding.
Follow us on X or find us on Facebook for the latest information.
Flood warnings
The Environment Agency is responsible for issuing flood warnings to the public. It provides a dedicated Floodline information service telephone: 0845 988 1188. The line operates 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
Flooding support
Here we provide information on:
As well as this you can find information about our role, responsibilities and duties as the Lead Local Flood Authority under the Flood And Water Management Act 2010 including:
If you live or work close to a watercourse and within the natural floodplain, there is a risk that river flooding may threaten your property or workplace.
Flooding can also affect areas away from the natural flood plain. Intense and prolonged storms can exceed the capacity of the local drainage system or saturate the ground and put many more homes, businesses and people at risk from surface water, groundwater and watercourse flooding.
We work alongside the Environment Agency in their work to manage the risk of flooding and minimise the effects and damage caused.
We also work with the Environment Agency and other partners to plan how to best protect the community of Derbyshire from flooding and how to respond in an emergency.