What this consultation is about
In March 2021, the government published a new National Bus Strategy which sets out a framework for how bus services can recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and a vision for future improvements across England. The strategy places a requirement on us and the bus companies in our area to work together to create a bus service improvement plan. This will involve developing bold plans for improving local bus services and encouraging more people to use them.
The government has pledged £3 billion in funding across the country to help deliver these plans, and Derbyshire is aiming to secure a fair share of that funding.
We are excited about the opportunity this presents and want to ensure that our improvement plan reflects the views of Derbyshire residents and those visiting or working in the county. We now want to find out what you think would improve local bus services and what would make you use local buses more.
We are carrying out this consultation in an online survey hosted by our partners SYSTRA.